Économie et Statistique n° 408-409 - 2007  Employment and Vocational Schemes: an Advantage in the Medium Term for the Participants? - Work Absenteeism: an Analysis Using French Data from the European Community Household Panel - Population Projections

Economie et Statistique
Paru le :Paru le01/05/2008
Sabine Chaupain-Guillot et Olivier Guillot
Economie et Statistique- May 2008

Work Absenteeism: an Analysis Using French Data from the European Community Household Panel

Sabine Chaupain-Guillot et Olivier Guillot

According to the figures from the latest round of the European Community Household Panel survey carried out in France in autumn 2001, in the preceding four weeks one employee in ten was absent from work for at least one day on sick leave or for other reasons. This proportion barely changed between 1994 and 2001. Slightly more women than men were absent from work, which applied for overall absences as well as for sick leave alone. However, in terms of the number of bouts of illness or the total number of days' sick leave taken over the last twelve months, there was hardly any difference between men and women. Regression analysis using cross-sectional (2001) and longitudinal data (1998-2001) has been carried out to assess the effects of individual factors on the probability of being absent from work, looking at men and women separately. Three factors play a decisive role: health, level of job satisfaction and, for women, the constraints of reconciling family and work. For men, a negative relation can be observed between the estimated hourly wage and the probability of taking sick leave, at one time or another, over the last twelve months. For women, on the other hand, the probability of being absent hardly seems to be related to their level of pay.

Economie et Statistique

No 408-409

Paru le :01/05/2008