France, portrait social - Édition 2010

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Paru le :Paru le17/11/2010
Valérie Albouy, Mathilde Clément, Michel Duée, Nicolas Frémeaux, Pascal Godefroy, Stéphane Jugnot, Stéfan Lollivier
France, portrait social- November 2010

Vue d'ensemble - Conditions de vie - France, portrait social - Édition 2010

Valérie Albouy, Mathilde Clément, Michel Duée, Nicolas Frémeaux, Pascal Godefroy, Stéphane Jugnot, Stéfan Lollivier

Can quality of life be measured? Many factors enter into the equation and these are not limited to purelymaterial ormonetary aspects. The concept of "quality of life" is much wider than standard of living or material living conditions, it also takes into accountworking conditions, the degree of social integration, health and education,whether people are particularly fragile economically (e.g. unemployed) or physically, etc. In this article we propose an initial measurement of "quality of life".

Insee Références

Paru le :17/11/2010