France in the European Union 2014 Edition

The result of a collaboration between public statistical institutions, this issue of the Insee References collection gathers a body of economic and social data allowing a comparison between France and its European partners.

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Paru le :Paru le24/04/2014
Guillaume Wemelbeke
La France dans l'Union européenne- April 2014

Foreign trade in agricultural and agri-food products in the European Union

Guillaume Wemelbeke

Since the crisis towards the end of 2008, European production of agricultural and agrifood products has no longer been on the increase. The countries of Europe were previously experiencing strong growth in foreign trade, but this is now slowing down both in value and volume. Intra-community trade and imports from non-European Union (EU) countries are stagnating. However, exports to non-EU countries, boosted by demand from Asia, are accelerating. Inside the EU, France, the foremost exporter to non-EU countries, is following this trend. French exports destined for EU countries, on the other hand, are increasing only half as fast as those of other European countries. Nevertheless, France remains the third European exporter, all destinations combined.

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Paru le :24/04/2014