Localised unemployment rates

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The localised unemployment rates concern 3 levels of zoning: regions, departments and employment areas.

Classification system

The data disseminated use the official geographical code (COG).

  • Official Geographical Code (COG)

Sector coverage

not applicable

Statistical concepts and definitions

A localised unemployment rate relates, for a given geographical level, the number of unemployed to the labour force living in the geographical level (employed and unemployed) according to ILO criteria.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is an organization of the United Nations responsible for global labour issues. It is based in Geneva. It harmonises concepts and definitions relating to work, employment and unemployment, etc.

Labour force (ILO) includes employed and unemployed persons as defined by the ILO.

Employment (ILO) includes persons aged 15 years or more who have worked (even if only for one hour) in a given "reference" week, as well as those who are in employment but have not worked during that week for a number of listed reasons (leave, sick leave, short-time working, etc., sometimes with duration criteria). Persons in employment are employees, self-employed, employers or helpers in the company or on the family farm.

An unemployed person in the ILO sense is a person aged 15 years or more who simultaneously meets three conditions: being unemployed during a given week; being available for work within two weeks; and having actively looked for a job in the last four weeks or having found one starting in less than three months. The active steps considered are varied: studying job advertisements, going to a trade fair, mobilising one's social network or taking advice from the Pôle emploi, etc.

Statistical unit

a person

Statistical population

not applicable

Time coverage

One quarter

Base period

not applicable


not applicable