Survey on observation of prices in industry and services 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

For the industry, the questionnaires are monthly. The results of month M are available at the latest on the last working day of the following month (M + 30). For services and construction, questionnaires are quarterly. The results for quarter T are available no later than the last business day of the second month of the next quarter (T + 60).

The questionnaires are transmitted to surveyed companies by post or internet.

Survey unit

Legal unit

Sampling method

The selection of enterprises is done through the annual production survey for non-food industry producer prices, thanks to the annual sectoral survey of food industry, services or construction for the other sectors. The companies selected for the surveys of import purchase prices are identified through customs data. Samples can be refined and supplemented by contacts with professional unions. An interviewer then meets with each selected company in order to determine the particular representative transactions which will then be followed. For defining the sample, the "cut-off" technique is the rule, a stratified sampling is the exception.

Sample size: approximately 8,200 companies participate in the he survey “Observation of Prices in Industry and Services”, including:

· 4,800 for indices of production and import prices in industry;
· 2,100 for producer price indices in services;
· And approximately 1,300 for the Price Indices of Maintenance and Improvement of Dwelling.