Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe since 2004 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

The data is collected "face to face" by interviewers using laptop computers with Capi (computer-assisted collection).

A self-completion paper questionnaire is also left to the respondent.

Individuals aged 50+ and their spouse.

Longitudinal panel (every two years).

Collection mode

Face to face by interviewer

Survey unit

  • Individual
  • Household

Sampling method

In France, the sample was selected from the INSEE master sample, with pre-selection of dwellings based on the age of the occupants at the last census.

In France, wave 1 took place  in two phases. In 2004, the sample included a little more than 1,150 households, i.e. approximately 1,800 respondents.

In 2005, 900 additional households were added, i.e. approximately 1,400 respondents. Total number of wave 1 respondents: 3193.

The sample for wave 2 in 2006 in France consisted of:
- eligible individuals from the households surveyed in wave 1 in order to obtain a panel-based sample;
- a "refresher" sample consisting of approximately 650 households featuring at least one individual aged 50 or over in 2006, i.e. 940 respondents.

In each eligible household, one individual selected from the eligible individuals aged 50 or over, as well as their partner, if applicable, is surveyed.

Those surveyed in wave 1 that had since moved into institutions were monitored and re-surveyed. For wave 2, the sample in France  included 2968 respondents (2041 longitudinal and 927 refresher individuals).

The respondents from waves 1 and 2 of the Share survey were resurveyed as part of the 2009 Sharelife survey (i.e. anyone who responded at least once to Share), amounting to a total of approximately 4,200 individuals, accounting for approximately 2,700 households.
Total number of wave 3 respondents: 2461.

In wave 4 former respondents were re-interviewed according to the same rules. A refresher sample was drawn. Total number of wave 4 respondents: around 5800 (among which 3480 refresher individuals).