Survey on services energy consumption 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Statistical concepts and definitions

First is collected information about structure of the establishment: such as the surface in square meters, the mode of heating, the presence of air conditioning for example.

Then, questions on qualitative side are approached such as:
- used energies (fuel, electricity),
- use (heating, IT intensive).

As well as quantitative questions such as:
- quantities of purchased energies,
- cost of those energies,
- distribution by use in % .

The last part is about renewable energies.

Statistical population

The trade establishments and the operators, without limitation of size, whose main activity belongs to the trade tertiary sectors including commercial handicraft and excluding transport and storing. Thus the mainly non-trading sectors of the tertiary are excluded (education, health...).

It corresponds to the codes NAF rév.2 following: section G (including commercial handicraft: 10.13B, 10.71B, 10.71C, 10.71D), sections I in N and divisions 95 and 96 of the section S.