Annual survey to establissements subcontractors, suppliers or service providers of aeronautical and spacial sector

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Statistical concepts and definitions

The information supplied by the survey is:
-Elements of retrospective order such as the salaried staff or the turnover for 2 years before the survey,
-Elements of forward looking order such as the trends in the course of the year and perspectives of commands in six months and in one year.

Finally other themes are approached such as:
-Dependence and diversification,
- type and mode of relations with the contractors,
-Geographical origin of the commands,
-Works for the military sector,
- subcontracting in chain,
- resort to the new technologies of information and the communication ( NTIC),
- major items for the development,
- work in network and partnerships.

Statistical population

The area of the survey includes:
- for the common part: every activities susceptible to depend partially of the demand of the aeronautical and spatial sector, except retail trade, hotel business, catering, caterers, financial activities, insurances, real estate;
- for the additional part: manufacturing industry (10.11Z to 35.11Z) and researches - studies (71.12B, 71.20B, 72.19Z).