Labour cost and structure of earnings annual survey 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The survey for the year 2023 (and carried out in 2024) is in the "Labour cost" format (Ecmo2023). The data requested were the following:

1- The "establishment questionnaire" concerns labour costs and their main components (social charges, social complements and allowances);

2- The "employee questionnaire" covers the main components of remuneration and employer's contributions and working time (remuneration and charges, time worked during the year)

The Ecmo 2023 data, together with the Ecmo 2024 data, the data from the survey of employees in the state civil service (FPE 2022) and the data from administrative sources, form the file transmitted to Eurostat for the Labour Costs Survey 2024 (LCS 2024). The Ecmo 2023 data are "aged" by one year to be representative of the vintage requested by Eurostat.

In the "Structure of earnings" format, the data requested are the following:

1- An "establishment questionnaire" on wage policies (type of collective agreement applied, etc.) and staff representation (existence of trade union delegates, staff representatives, etc.);

2- An "employee questionnaire" covering the main components of employee remuneration (gross annual salary, bonuses, etc.), employer contributions (provident fund, etc.), working hours (paid hours, holidays, etc.) and individual information on the employee (type of contract, supervisory position, etc.).

Statistical population

The scope of the Ecmoss surveys covers employer establishments belonging to a company with at least 10 employees, in sectors B to S of NACE-Rev2, excluding the State civil service.

Time coverage

The survey, conducted in 2024, covers the year 2023