Annual production survey 2023 

EAP 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The survey measures the production of industrial goods and services in value and quantity, according to a more or less fine level of product nomenclature.

Production is measured by turnover of enterprise, according to :

  • sales of industrial products (manufacturing, mining and quarrying industries) in value and quantity ;

  • other sales of industrial products ;

  • installation and fitting of industrial products ;

  • repair and maintenance of industrial products ;

  • sales of non-industrial products and services.

Classification system

The statistics are produced according to the PRODCOM (PRODuction COMmunautaire) list, at the level 4-5 of the French product classification (CPF) and at the PRODFRA (PRODuction FRAnçaise) level.

The PRODCOM list is a classification of products that the European Community member states use to compile their production statistics. This list is based on the European product classification (CPA) and directly linked to the EU foreign trade Combined Nomenclature (CN). It includes about 3,500 products, but does not cover all CPA products, and each PRODCOM product covers one or more CN products. PRODCOM uses an eight-digit product code : the first six digits correspond to the CPA, the last two digits provide a more detailed breakdown of the CPA .

The CPF level 4-5 corresponds to the CPF4 class of the French product classification (revision 2.1 of 2015) subdivided for consistency with the Nomenclature d'activité Française (NAF) rev.2.

The PRODFRA nomenclature is a French nomenclature of products, articulated both on the CPF and on the PRODCOM list. It covers all the sub-categories of the industrial CPF. The headings of the PRODFRA nomenclature are usually coded on ten positions: the first eight positions are the eight positions of the associated PRODCOM code if it exists. The last two are used to refine the nomenclature.

Sector coverage

This survey covers the economic sectors of industry excluding agri-food industries and sawmills, according to the French Nomenclature of Activity (NAF) rev.2 :

  • mining and quarrying (section B) ;

  • manufacturing industry, excluding agri-food industries and sawmills (section C) ;

  • electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning (section D) ;

  • water, sanitation, waste management and depollution (section E).

Statistical concepts and definitions

Production is measured by different indicators :

  • sold Production : value and volume of the product sold by the enterprise ;

  • total Production : volume of all production of the product, including both the proportion that is sold and the proportion that is retained by the enterprise for adding to stocks, using in further processing etc.

Production sold (in value), for industrial products, is broken down by the economic model of production :

  • principal ;

  • subcontractor ;

  • own-account manufacturer.

Statistical unit

Industrial branches of legal units

Statistical population

The survey population is made up of all enterprises in the industrial economic sectors (excluding agri-food industries and sawmills), as well as non-industrial enterprises with a significant secondary activity in industry.

Regional extensions

No regional extension

Time coverage

Calendar year

Base period

Not applicable