Annual census survey 2022

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The data collected relate to the characteristics of:

  • of the individual: sex, age, marital status, place of birth, nationality, place of study, diplomas, previous place of residence (one year before), job, social category, economic activity sector, place of work, etc.;

  • the household: composition, size, family ties, number of cars, etc.;

  • of the dwelling: type, year of completion, size, type of occupation, HLM, heating, bathroom, sewage disposal, year of move-in, parking,etc.

Classification system

The processing of the data collected uses:

  • the French nomenclature of activities: NAF revision 2 adopted in 2008;
  • the nomenclature of professions and socio-professional categories (PCS) adopted in 2003;
  • the official geographical code (COG).

Sector coverage

Jobs are mainly distributed according to:

  • the sector of activity of the NAF, revision 2 in 5, 17 or 38 items;
  • the socio-professional category of the PCS 2003 in 6 or 29 items;
  • working hours, status (employee or self-employed), employment conditions (trainee, fixed-term contract, permanent contract, etc.).

Statistical concepts and definitions

Employment : In the census, employed persons can be counted at their place of residence or at their place of work. At the place of residence, we speak of the active population with a job. At the place of work, we speak of employment at the place of work or, more briefly, employment.

Since 2004, the census has made it possible to take better account than before of working people who have a job, even if it is occasional or of short duration, and who are also students, retired or unemployed.

A dwelling is a room used for habitation:

  • Separate, i.e. enclosed by walls and partitions, without communication with any other premises except with the common parts of the building (corridor, staircase, etc.);

  • Independent, i.e. having an entrance with direct access to the outside or to the common parts of the building.

Dwellings are divided into four categories: main residences, secondary residences, occasional dwellings, vacant dwellings.

Mobile homes and premises used for habitation within communities (old people's homes, hostels, religious communities, etc.) are not considered as dwellings. Dwellings located within a community (called "official dwellings") are, however, considered as dwellings.

A household , as defined by the population census, refers to the set of persons who share the same main residence, without these persons necessarily being linked by family ties. A household may consist of a single person.

A family is that part of a household comprising at least two persons and consisting:

  • Either a couple living in the household with, if applicable, their child(ren) belonging to the same household;

  • Either an adult with his/her child(ren) belonging to the same household (single-parent family).

For a person to be a child of a family, he or she must be single and have no spouse or children in the same household. A household may consist of no families, one or more families.

Statistical unit

Dwelling, the household, the family, the individual.

Statistical population

Persons residing in metropolitan France, in the overseas departments except Mayotte, and in the overseas collectivities of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon and Saint-Martin.

Regional extensions

not applicable

Time coverage

Year N

Base period

not applicable