Population census 2020 

RP 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Gestion de la qualité

Quality assurance

Since 2005, the European Statistics Code of Practice has been the benchmark for assessing the quality of the output of national statistical institutes. Periodic reviews by European peers are organised to ensure that the principles of this reference framework are implemented and to ensure that each institute is committed to continuous improvement. Within this framework, INSEE adopted a process-based approach. A range of tools, pooled within the Official Statistical Service (SSP), were created to describe statistical production processes, analyse their strengths and weaknesses, assess the risks involved, examine their documentation (metadata) or provide expert appraisal of a particular stage (analysis of user needs, data validation, etc.). The diagnoses resulting from these <<  quality approach >> lead to the establishment of action plans that are regularly monitored in the context of << process review >>. In addition, INSEE regularly conducts satisfaction surveys on the indicators and data it produces. The results of these surveys are available on the insee.fr website.

In addition, with regard to surveys carried out by public statistics producing services (INSEE, ministerial statistical services, other related bodies such as INED, Céreq, Inserm, etc.), the Label Committee is responsible for examining, on behalf of the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS), all projects for which the approval provided for in Article 2 of the Law of 7 June 1951 is requested. Over time, the Committee has developed a method and an experience for examining the files submitted to it. Starting from considerations expressed in terms of the burden or proportionality of the collection to the objectives pursued, the Committee extended its examination rules to cover all dimensions of statistical quality, as formalised in the European Statistics Code of Practice. For the SSP, the Label Committee thus constitutes a lever for ensuring compliance with these principles, in terms of consultation, methodological quality, proportionate burden, dissemination or availability of duly documented statistical sources.

On a more strategic level, the INSEE Inspectorate General carries out evaluations, assessments and audits of the Institute's work, its operations and the organisation of its services. Some of these missions focus more specifically on INSEE's key processes.

Quality assessment

This operation was subject to a quality approach.

The annual census survey was examined by the Label Committee and has obtained the visa n°2018A001EC from the Minister of Economy and Finance for the years 2018 to 2022, extended to 2024. It is a mandatory survey.