Survey on central civil service employees during 2022 

FPE 2022

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Sector coverage

This survey, in conjunction with the "information system on public services" (SIASP in French), completes the coverage of non-market sectors in Sections O and P of NACE rev. 2 (Public Administration and Education).

Statistical concepts and definitions

The survey on central civil service employees collects, on its field of interest, the individual characteristics of employees relating to:

  • the training level;

  • the career path before and after entering the civil service;

  • the actual working time, taking account of days off of various types and other days not worked;

  • the family situation and information on origins.

Statistical unit

The survey unit is the employee.

Statistical population

All employees of the central civil service service (ministries and public administrative services) except military personnel, irrespective of their status (official, contractual, casual, paid trainee and other status, including apprentices and subsidized contracts), active at least one day during the year 2022.

Time coverage

Since 2010