Pay and salaried employment localized file 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Source data

Flores is built from the "All employees databases". The "All employees databases" itself is the result of a synthesis of administrative sources: personal social declarations (DSN), annual social data declarations (DADS), payroll files specific to the State and declarations specific to individual employers.

Flores is therefore a "secondary" statistical source, derived from a first statistical file and not directly from administrative declarations.

Frequency of data collection


Data compilation

The number of salaried positions at the end of the year, in full-time equivalent and the gross remuneration by establishment are obtained by aggregating the information contained in the "All employees databases". Geographical and sectoral location information is taken from the Statistical business register (Sirus) and the Business Register Identification System (Sirene) when available, and from the "All employees databases" otherwise.

Additional processing is applied to improve the quality of the location (geographical and sectoral) of paid employment.