Survey on information and communication technologies usage and e-Commerce in enterprises with less than 10 persons employed (2022) 

ICT-VSE 2022

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Sector coverage

The enterprises belong to the following sectors of NACE rev. 2:
- manufacturing (section C)
- electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (section D)
- water supply ; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (section E)
- construction (section F)
- wholesal and retailtrade ; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (section G)
- transportation and storage (section H)
- accommodation and food service activities (section I)
- information and communication (section J)
- real-estate activities (section L)
- professional, scientific and technical activities (section M)
- administrative and support service activities (section N)
- repair of computers and communication equipment (group 951)

Statistical concepts and definitions

The questions relate to most of the topics from the European survey in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, to ensure that the data are comparable. It is however adapted to very small enterprises. The main themes covered are:
- the use of computers and IT networks;
- Internet access and usage (use of a website, social media, etc.);
- ICT security;
- ICT and environment.

Statistical unit


Statistical population

The legal units surveyed are French units, which are active, commercial, and operating, with less than 10 persons employed (non-salaried persons are included in the workforce), excluding the public sector (legal category starting with 7).
The enterprises belong to the following sectors of NACE rev. 2:
- manufacturing (section C)
- electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (section D)
- water supply ; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (section E)
- construction (section F)
- wholesale and retail trade ; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (section G)
- transportation and storage (section H)
- accommodation and food service activities (section I)
- information and communication (section J)
- real-estate activities (section L)
- specialist scientific and technical activities (section M)
- administrative and support service activities (section N)
- repair of computers and communication equipment (group 95).

The ICT-TPE 2012 survey revealed that the survey is not relevant for some units with no economic activity and more often than not with no employees. Thus, the following units are excluded from the area of the survey on the basis of their legal category (LC):
- LUs in the form of non-trading real estate company (CJ='6540').
- LUs in the form of partnerships (SNC -- CJ='5202') and the economic interest groupings (EIG -- CJ='6210' or '6220').
- Associations (CJ='9220') whose turnover at launch is zero or non-existent or whose number of employees is zero or non-existent in the baseline survey.

Other enterprises have been excluded from the scope as irrelevant : those without economical activity identified by their NACE code and with no employee

Time coverage

Year 2022