Training and vocational skills survey 2014-2015 

FQP 2014-2015

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Statistical concepts and definitions

As in previous editions of the survey, the questionnaire was divided into five sections:
- professional mobility;
- initial training;
- continuing training;
- social origin;
- income from work.

Statistical unit

Persons aged 21 to 65

Statistical population

The 2014-2015 FQP survey covers people born in October of an even year between 1950 and 1992 (aged 22 to 64 at the end of 2014) and living in metropolitan France. The field was thus defined to allow matching with the all-employee panel.
It concerns people living in ordinary households or in some communities (university housing estates, workers' hostels, Adoma social residence).