Survey on the impact of the health crisis on the businesses organisation and activity 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The survey addresses the evolution of activity during containment. 

What factors most influenced the activity? How did the company adjust its workforce? How did the company face with this situation? Did it have to find new suppliers? 

Did it adapt its offer? Did some companies temporarily transform their production chain towards new products? Did it change its distribution channels? Did it look for new customers? Has it received aid from the government, its group, etc.?

The survey also addresses the longer-term consequences on the business: measuring the prospective impact of the crisis on the business, assessing the impact on the company's organisation, the choice of its suppliers.

Classification system

The main areas of dissemination are the sector of activity of the enterprise described according to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (Nace rev.2) and the size of the enterprise. 

Statistical concepts and definitions

- Evolution of the activity 

- Factors having the greatest impact on the activity

- Employment situations in immediate response to containment

- Supply and investment trends

- Relations with partners and suppliers

- Use of aid measures

- Evolution of R&D activities

- Direct and indirect costs due to the implementation of measures related to the Covid crisis

- Expected evolution of teleworking

- Changing the location of the activity

Statistical unit

The interrogation unit is the legal unit (UL), identified by its Siren number.

Statistical population

The legal units surveyed will be units located in France (metropolitan France and the French overseas departments, including Mayotte), active as of 01/03/2020, merchants, operators with 10 or more employees with the exception of retail trade wiht is surveyed from 5 employees.

Time coverage