Survey on the situation of associations in 2018 

Associations 2018

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Gestion de la qualité

Quality assurance

The various stages of the survey ensure that the process meets the requirements for statistical production:
- stratified sample selection
- reminders and data checks during collection
- data cleaning
- adjustment for total non-response
- calibration
- adjustment of partial non-response
- winsorization.

Quality assessment

Before any exploitation, it is useful to assess the quality of the variables through their partial non-response rate and the confidence intervals provided in the survey quality indicators.

Some variables have not been adjusted and cannot be used because the partial non-response rate is too high (over 30%): SAL_TPS_PARTIEL_RED, and all the variables concerning the provision of land, except MAD_TERRAINS.

Variables to be analyzed with caution (non-exhaustive list):
variables with high partial non-response rates should be interpreted with caution, since a non-negligible part of their responses has been imputed. The following variables in particular can be mentioned (threshold arbitrarily set at 6%): AUT_PERS_AUTRES_NB_H, BENEV_REG_NB_H, RESS_TOTAL and its breakdown, RESS_REC_ACT_PUB and its breakdown, as well as all the variables in the module EXPENSES and MAD_LOCAUX_SURFACE.

This list is not exhaustive, since other elements must be taken into account, such as the precision of the estimates and the fact of crossing or not the variable with diffusion fields. Thus, for example, with respect to the survey's target variables:

  • for the number of volunteers: crossed with the employing criterion, activity areas 5,7 and 8 have a cv>30; crossed with the non-employing criterion, area 4 has a cv>30
  • for the number of volunteer hours: fields 4 and 8 have a CV >30. Crossed with the employer criterion, activity domains 4, 7 and 8 have a cv>30; crossed with the non-employer criterion, domain 4 has a cv>30
  • for total resources: crossed with the non-employer criterion, activity areas 4, 5 and 8 have a cv>30
  • for the total of subsidies: crossed with the non-employer criterion, almost all the activity areas have a cv>30
  • for the number of individual members: fields 6 and 8 have a cv >30. Crossed with the criterion employer, the fields of activity 6, 7 and 8 have a cv>30 ; crossed with the criterion non-employer, the fields 4, 6 and 8 have a cv>30
  • the number of associations and the number of hours paid do not show any field with a cv >30.