Survey "Entering Adult Life" (EVA) 

EVA (Panel 2007)

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The main themes of the questionnaire concern the situation of young people on the labour market (conditions of employment, trade practiced, unemployment, means used to get a job...) and their living conditions (resources, housing conditions, family situation...). The data collected can be enriched by merging with Depp education panel data (in particular, the << enquêtes Familles >> surveys), and Sies data, which offer a detailed description of the education path (repetition, orientation choices, fields of education, family aspirations).

Statistical unit


Statistical population

Young people who entered the first year of secondary education in 2007, belonging to the Depp panel 2007

Pour en savoir plus

Link to the EVA system page of the