Business Purchasing Survey 2017 

Purchasing 2017

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Sector coverage

Market sector (including financial sector), excepting agricultural sector

Statistical concepts and definitions

The main themes addressed are:
- purchases to be deducted from purchases and changes in stocks of raw materials: goods resold in their original state, subcontracting;
- purchases and changes in stocks of raw materials, other supplies and supplies (this part is broken down into eight variants, depending on the company's sector of activity);
- other external expenses.

Statistical unit

Legal unit

Statistical population

The scope of the survey is defined on the basis of numerous criteria, the main ones being:
- for non-financial corporations, from subfield 1 of ESANE (i.e. the combined field of ESAs and EAPs), only market units within the meaning of national accounts;
- for financial companies, the field is constructed on the basis of the Banque de France's reference framework, entitled "Protides". This repository gathers the registers of companies that have obtained approval from the Banque de France. These are companies in the institutional (national accounts) sectors 121-122-125 and 128.

Companies with a small workforce are excluded from the scope, the threshold is adapted to each sector of activity.

Time coverage