European survey on activities of subsidiaries under national control implanted in foreign countries 2020 

Outward FATS 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Statistical concepts and definitions

This survey contains the three variables to be necessarily supplied, as from 2011 concerning 2009, for France: the turnover, the staff and the number of subsidiaries by country of presence of subsidiaries and by business sector. It also integrates some additional variables among which the costs of staff and the physical investment.

Statistical population

All merchant activity sectors are concerned (excluded financial sector).
The unit investigated is the "UCI", Ultimate Controlling Institutional unit. This unit defined by Eurostat corresponds to the unit which exercises control over the subsidiaries declared in the survey. This control is characterized by the power to appoint the managers of companies or business units in charge of operational activities. The UCI is also the unit which has the data of all the group's subsidiaries.

Time coverage
