Health and disability survey - households section 2008 

HSM 2008

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024


The Research, Studies, Appraisal and Statistics department (DREES) added a survey of informal carers (HAS) to this Health and Disability Survey - Ordinary Households Section 2008 (HSM).

This HSA survey characterises the non-professional carers (family, friends, neighbours, etc.) of people that in the HSM survey declared their difficulties in accomplishing certain acts of daily life due to a disability, a health problem or their age.

The survey responds to the issues raised in the recent public debate (Family Conference in 2006) concerning the organisation of an entitlement to respite for family carers. Approximately 5,000 people aged 16 and over were interviewed.

The socio-demographic characteristics of the carers in the family circle were covered; the consequences of helping on the carers' family and professional lives, their health, leisure time, relationships with professional carers (from the health and social sectors) and their complementarity.

In addition, the Institution section of the Health and Disability Survey (HSI) was administered in 2009.