Health and Disability survey - institutions section 2009 

HSI 2009

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection

Punctual or aperiodic

Data collection

Data collection was by a computer-assisted method (Capi), and consisted of face-to-face interviews by the researcher with some of the residents in institutions (centres for elderly people, disabled people, people in psychiatric establishments, and social reintegration centres).

About 1,550 institutions were involved. Data collection took place from October to December 2009.

Collection mode

Face to face by interviewer

Survey unit


Sampling method

The sample of institutions was taken from the "National file of health and social establishments (FINESS)" which lists all health and social establishments.

In particular, it contains information on authorisation to open such institutions, facilities that are authorised and set up, according to type of institution.

It is managed by the Departmental and Regional Offices for Health and Social Affairs (Ddrass).

The sample is classified according to type of institution:

- accommodation for dependent elderly people (EHPAD);
- retirement homes;
- long-stay care units (USLD);
- establishments for disabled adults;
- psychiatric establishments and units;
- shelter centres for social reintegration (CHRS).

From each of the chosen institutions, a sample of individual residents was selected. The aim was to obtain a sample of about 10,000 residents.