Life story survey in 2003 

HDV 2003

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection

Punctual or aperiodic

Data collection

Face-to-face interviews were carried out by an INSEE researcher.

Data collection was between February and April 2003 using a computer-assisted collection method (Capi).

Survey unit


Sampling method

The sample of individuals to be surveyed was determined by combining sub-samples drawn from four different sources, including the master sample from INSEE (based on the 1999 population census) and the new housing survey data base (BSLN).

Samples were taken from two surveys to ensure that they were fully representative of populations that were not sufficiently numerous in the general population for detailed analysis to be carried out: the Study of family history (EHF) survey and the Everyday life and health (VQS) survey.

Three populations are therefore over-represented in the sample:
- people under 60 whose daily lives are disrupted because of a health problem;
- immigrants;
- people born in France with one parent who was born abroad.

The survey sample included about 13,500 individuals who were representative of all the population aged 18 and over living in Metropolitan France.