Heath and Professional Career Survey 2010 

HPC 2010

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection

Punctual or aperiodic

Data collection

Punctual in two waves (in 2006 and in 2010)

The survey Health and Professional Career is based on a double interrogation spaced out of four years (at the end of 2006 and at the end of 2010).

A first wave was realized in 2006, the survey of 2010 is a re-interview.

Collection mode

Face to face by interviewer

Survey unit


Sampling method

The survey HPC contains:

- a longitudinal part, called Sample group, formed of persons who answered to both survey waves (in  2006 and 2010) and persons died between the two waves;

- a transversal part, called RPS (psychosocial risks), formed of an additional sample of working population questioned in 2010, coupled with the working population (in 2010) of the part Sample group.