Survey on networks in services in 2007

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Statistical concepts and definitions

For each network identified, the questionnaire collects at least:

- the ensign and control of the network head company;
- the scope and characteristics of the network: the number of retail outlets in France and abroad, breakdown of the retail outlets based on the type of organisation (owned retail, franchising contract, etc.), turnover by type of organisation;
- the organisation of the network: the existence of own brands, existence of trading groups, referencing centres, etc.
- the services provided by the network head to the independent retail outlets (initial training, start-up support, regular assistance, etc.) ;
- the obligations of the independent retail outlets (payment of franchise fees, royalties or contributions, etc.).

Statistical population

Businesses surveyed are head of one or more service networks of ensigns with more than seven establishments in the principal services sectors (41 service business sectors).

Sectors surveyed in NAF rev. 1 level 700:
55.1A, 55.1C, 55.1E, 55.3A, 55.3B, 55.4B, 63.3Z, 64.2C, 67.1E, 67.2Z, 70.2C, 70.3A, 71.1A, 71.4B, 72.1Z, 72.2C, 72.5Z, 74.1G, 74.1J, 74.2C, 74.3B, 74.4B, 74.5A, 74.5B, 74.6Z, 74.7Z, 74.8A, 74.8B, 74.8F, 74.8K, 80.3Z, 80.4C, 80.4D, 85.3J, 92.6C, 93.0D, 93.0E, 93.0G, 93.0K, 93.0L, 93.0N.