Household budget survey 2017 

BDF 2017

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

The 2016-2017 survey is conducted in 6 waves of approximately 8 weeks each, from September 2016 to September 2017.

The Household Budget Survey uses two data collection instruments:

- a questionnaire using computer-assisted data collection, broken down over 2 visits, which records income over the last 12 months and major or regular expenditure, also socio-demographic information, characteristics of the dwelling and qualitative questions about the household's financial situation;

- a self-completed diary in which all members of the household aged over 14 record all their expenditure over 7 days.

Collection mode

Face to face by interviewer

Survey unit


Sampling method

Sample (random self-weighted sample) of about 20,700 dwellings in Metropolitan France, 8,000 in the overseas departments.

The survey 2016-2017 includes an upsample of single-parent families of 2,000 dwellings from administrative data source (CNAF)