Household budget survey 2006 

BDF 2006

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

The 2006 survey was conducted in 6 waves of 8 weeks each, from March 2005 to March 2006.

The Household Budget Survey uses two data collection instruments:

- a questionnaire using CAPI (computer-assisted data collection, broken down over 3 visits), which records income over the last 12 months and major or regular expenditure, also socio-demographic information, characteristics of the dwelling and qualitative questions about the household's financial situation;

- a self-completed diary in which all members of the household aged over 14 record all their expenditure over 14 days.

They can write the amounts in by hand, or attach cash register receipts.

Data collection period

About every 5 years (1979, 1984, 1989, 1995, 2001, 2006)

Collection mode

Face to face by interviewer

Survey unit


Sampling method

Sample (random self-weighted sample) of about 20,000 dwellings in Metropolitan France, 5,000 in the overseas departments. The number of households surveyed is ultimately about 10,000 for Metropolitan France and 3,100 in the overseas departments.

In 2006, 10,240 households answered the whole of the questionnaire, which corresponds to 25,364 individuals. The survey of the overseas departments in 2006 covered 3,134 households and 9,118 individuals.