Survey on environmental protection studies and investments 2016 

Antipol 2016

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Précision et fiabilité

Overall accuracy

The precision indicators (standard deviation, coefficient of variation, 95% confidence interval) take into account errors due to sampling, total non-response correction and calibration, but not the error related to partial non-response correction.

The variables used for the Antipol 2016 precision calculations are:
- TOT_ETUDE (total amount of studies to protect the environment)
- TI (total amount of specific investments)
- I2 (amount of integrated environmental protection investments)
- TOT_INVEST (amount of total investments)
- TD (amount of operating and maintenance of equipments dedicated to environnment)
- TOT_DEP_COUR (current expenditure for environmental protection)

For quantitative variables in volume, the indicators are as follows:
Coefficient of variation (CV) in percent = 100 * s / total
95% confidence interval (CI) = total +/- 1.96 s.

Note: sometimes the lower bound of the confidence interval is negative. This means that the normal approximation used in the confidence interval formula (factor 1.96) is not valid. In this case, the unweighted total observed on the sample was used as the lower bound value, and therefore the confidence interval is no longer centred around the estimator value.

The results of the calculations are in the file "Calculs de precision 2016"(fr).

Non response error

Differences in the aggregate from the adjustment (including clairance) for the target variables are available in the document "Effet de redressement 2016" (fr).