Housing survey in 2006

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection

Punctual or aperiodic

Data collection

Data collection was by Capi (computer-assisted data collection) in 6 successive waves throughout 2006.
The latest surveys were conducted in 1988, 1992, 1996, 2001 and 2006.

Collection mode

Face to face by interviewer

Survey unit

  • Individual
  • Household

Sampling method

The survey sample, including the regional and local extensions, covers over 70,000 dwellings (about 60,000 in Metropolitan France and about 10,000 in the overseas departments).

It is based on unequal probability sampling using the master sample from the 1999 census, the new housing database completed since the census, the ZUS (Sensitive Urban Zones) database - and external survey databases (file of beneficiaries receiving housing allowance for property purchase, beneficiaries of LOCA-PASS arrangements: rental deposit assistance, etc.).

As in the earlier surveys, the decision was taken to interview only main residences in order to take into account any difficulties experienced by those surveyed in providing all the information requested.

All in all, respondents to the 2006 housing survey covered about 43,000 dwellings.