Community innovation survey 2014
CIS 2014
CIS 2014
Présentation statistique
Statistical concepts and definitions
The main topics covered in the CIS2014 survey are as follows:
- frequency of innovation by innovation type (products, processes, organisational,
- turnover share (in 2014) from product or service innovations introduced between
2012 and 2014
- expenditure associated with product and process innovation activities
- public funding (European and national)
- forms of cooperation to develop innovations
- intellectual property rights
- non-innovative enterprises : reasons that explain the absence of innovation during
the 2012-2014 period
- innovations with environmental benefits
Statistical population
CIS2014 covers the following activities (NAF rev. 2):
- Manufacturing, mining and quarrying and other industrial activities (sections B
to E)
- Construction (section F)
- Wholesale and retail trade, transportation and storage (section G)
- Transports (section H)
- Accommodation and food service activities (section I)
- Information and communication (section J)
- Financial and insurance activities (section K)
- Real estate activities (section L)
- Professional, scientific, technical, administrative and support service activities
; public administration and defence, education, human health and social work activities
(sections M and N except 75 and 82)