New enterprises information system 2014 

SINE 2014

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Source data

Data are collected through a survey.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

SINE is an ongoing system to observe and monitor a generation (or set) of new enterprises every four years.

In this case, a generation is a group of enterprises created over the same period (the first half) of a given year. Each generation of enterprises is therefore only represented by the companies created in the first half of the year.

For each generation, the information is collected using three surveys:

  • the first, a few months after the creation of the enterprise;

  • the second, at the end of the third year of existence of the enterprise;

  • the third, five years after its creation.

    The data is collected by means of a paper questionnaire, the data of which is then entered by an external service provider.

Data collection period

November 2014 to April 2015 (wave 1)

November 2017 to April 2018 (wave 2)

November 2019 to April 2020 (wave 3)

Collection mode

By post mail

Survey unit

Legal unit

Sampling method

Not all new businesses are surveyed.

The samples of the 2014 SINE cohort are drawn from business creations registered in the Sirene register during the first half of 2014, divided into strata according to the following criteria:

  • region, sector of activity and employment (creation with or without employees) for the questionnaire for creators excluding auto-entrepreneurs;

  • the region and the sector of activity for the questionnaire with auto-entrepreneurs.

The method of drawing the sample allows for national and regional representativeness of the results.

Only surviving businesses are then re-interviewed after three and five years of existence.

The total SINE 2014 sample (first survey of the 2014 generation) includes approximately 45,500 creators excluding auto-entrepreneurs (of which approximately 5,500 are regional extensions), and 40,000 auto-entrepreneurs.

The second survey of this cohort took place in 2017 and the third in 2019.

The sample covers all of France, including the French overseas departments, except Mayotte.

In order to reduce the statistical burden on companies, those selected for this survey are not surveyed as part of the annual sectoral survey (ESA).

Sample size

80,000 units

Data validation

Non-responding companies are contacted.

The raw data are cleaned and adjusted according to the methods described below.

Data compilation

Partial non-response is subject to imputation: correction of the data by cold-deck (on employment from the EPURE source, on turnover from the ESANE source) or hot-deck (imputation of the other responses to the questionnaire by donor/receiver).

Total non-response is adjusted by imputation, in two steps: imputation of activity status (active or ceased) using an activity status model, then imputation using a

non-response model. Successive reweightings would lead to having three sets of weights in the final file, one for each survey, at the end of the three surveys of the cohort. This would pose difficult problems for crossing several variables from different waves.


not applicable

Seasonal adjustment

not applicable