Survey on information and communication technologies usage and e-Commerce in enterprises with less than 10 persons employed (2016) 

ICT-VSE 2016

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection

Punctual or aperiodic

Data collection

The ICT-VSE 2016 data were collected from 14 September 2016 to 13 January 2017.
This is a survey carried out mainly (65.5% of returns) over the Internet and at the request of the company by post.

Data collection period

The collection period extended from 14 September 2016 to 13 January 2017.

Collection mode

  • By post mail
  • By Internet

Survey unit

Legal unit

Sampling method

The ICT-VSE survey sample is drawn from a sampling frame created from the Sirus directory .
The sampling method is a stratified simple random survey. The stratification corresponds to the crossover between 31 sectors of activity, 3 workforce bands in number of persons employed and 4 turnover bands (i.e. 372 strata).
The number of enterprises to be sampled by stratum comes from an allocation proportional to the number of units (with specific local constraints), modified to take into account the dispersion of web sales amounts according to sectors. Indeed, the allocation proportional to the number of units per stratum is a priori more suited to proportion-type parameters of interest. To improve the estimate of the amount type parameters, the dispersion of the previous ICT-VSE survey was taken into account by applying a multiplier coefficient to the proportional allocation in certain sectors, so that it was larger for the groups of activities with a strong dispersion of web sales amounts.
The population share of the comprehensive drawing stratum is:
-- in the sample: 3.62% (= 402 / 11,100)
-- in the total population: 0.02% (= 402 / 2,292,643)
The distribution of the sampling rates by stratum is:
-- 1st quartile = 1%
-- median = 5%
-- 3rd quartile = 30%

Sample size

11,100 units

Data collection documents

Data validation

  • Checks during the collection phase on the internal consistency of the responses and their consistency over time for the units that have completed the survey in the past (alerts at the time of the entry on the collection site and then checks made by the survey managers for any remaining anomalies)
  • Relaunches during the collection phase - comprehensive reminders by mail to non-respondents, prioritized phone reminders for non-respondents of significant size
  • Data cleaning to ensure consistency of responses within each questionnaire
  • Winsorizing - check on the influence of atypical units
  • Calculation of precision indicators

Data compilation

Cf. << Note méthodologique TIC-TPE 2016 >>.

Cf. files << Valeurs modifiées / Microentreprises >> and << Valeurs modifiées / Ensemble des entreprises >> that summarize the percentages of total modified values, by sector of activity and workforce band.
The first file deals only with "microenterprises", while the second covers all 5,800 exploitable units.