Housing Maintenance and Improvement Work Index 


Paru le :Paru le28/06/2024


The aim of this survey is to establish the quarterly price indices covering the different activities required for the maintenance and improvement of buildings.
These indices can be used to analyse the activity of the sector (division "43 - specialized construction", with the exception of group "43.1 - Demolition and site preparation"), as economic indicators or as deflators for national accounts.

Quarterly price indices from this survey are relatively recent. The first index on painting work was in 1993.
Indices of four families of work have been published since the fourth quarter of 1997. Two new families are disseminated from the fourth quarter of 1998. Since 1999, nine families are disseminated.
SOeS in Ministry of ecology, sustainable development and energy was in charge of price indices of maintenance and improvement until the second quarter of 2013, then it was transferred to INSEE.

In 2010 basis, the scope of maintenance and improvement of housing was divided into nine families work covering most of this activity:  
1. masonry, reinforced concrete, stone floor;
2. painting, wall covering, supple floor covering;
3. carpentry of wood and PVC;
4. climatic engineering;
5. sanitary plumbing;
6. roofing, zinc works;
7. electricity;
8. metallic carpentry, lock-smithery;
9. plastering.  

This decomposition was abandoned in 2018, during the passage of IPEA to the 2015 basis. These categories were then replaced by the classes of the NAF Rev 2/CPF Rev 2.1. The survey has been extended to non-residential building from 2015, so non-residential IPEA indices may be disseminated in 2018, when IPEA passed to 2015 basis. This was is also an opportunity to publish an IPEA "all work" maintenance-improvement index for all types of buildings.