Territorial public establishment


Dernière mise à jour le :23/06/2023


Territorial public establishment are public establishments for intercommunal cooperation (EPCI) located within the Greater Paris metropolitan area.

They were created on 1 January 2016, at the same time as the Greater Paris metropolitan area.

They are subject to provisions concerning association of municipalities, and so they are not EPCI with own tax status.

They exercise various powers instead of their member municipalities, in areas such as urban policy, construction and development, sanitation, waste management, etc.

The provisions of these establishments are defined in articles L5219-1 to L5219-12 of the General Code of Territorial Collectivities.

The City of Paris does not belong to a territorial public establishment. The other communes belonging to the Greater Paris metropolitan area are divided into 11 territorial public establishments, each one has a population of at least 300,000.