France in the European Union Data and studies

Dernière mise à jour le : 04/04/2022

On the occasion of French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, find below the main economic and social data and studies, classified by major theme, which allow to situate France in relation to its European partners.
To follow the news of the EU Council Working Party on Statistics, visit the website

France in Europe: main indicators

The French economy dashboard gathers the main economic and social data produced by the official statistical system. Each theme of the dashboard has a Europe tab (for example here General Economy) which allows to place France data in the European context.

Infographics France in the European Union


The Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletEurostat website also provides a lot of data to compare France to other European countries.


Every quarter, the "Note de conjoncture" provides an update on the economic activity in France and other major European countries. During the health crisis, an economic outlook is also published regularly and is based on high-frequency indicators.
Eurostat is disseminating a Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletEuropean Statistical Recovery Dashboard, launched following the Covid-19 health crisis.


Income – Consumption

Living standards - Society

Labour market – Wages


Sustainable development – Environment


Agriculture- Europe - French economy dashboard

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