Insee Focus · June 2021 · n° 240
Insee FocusFertility in France remained high during the 2008 economic crisis, unlike most of its neighbours

Sylvain Papon (Insee)

In the majority of European countries, the rise in fertility observed in the 2000s was halted after the economic crisis of 2008, particularly in the Mediterranean countries. France and Germany are exceptions.

In most European countries, the deterioration of the labour market seemed to have a rapid and strong downward impact on fertility; when it improved, the return to fertility growth was slower and less visible. Individual economic prospects also influenced the realisation of a pregnancy plan.

In France, social and family policies seemed to have played a stabilising role. Fertility remained at a high level between 2008 and 2014. France has been leading the European countries since 2012. The decline in fertility in France only began in 2015, so there is no direct link with the 2008 crisis.

Insee Focus
No 240
Paru le :Paru le04/06/2021