Quality improvement and breaks in times series exercise for the LFS in view of the entry into force of the new IESS regulation

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 14/06/2021

Start date: 01/09/2018 - End date: 31/12/2021

The implementation of the new IESS framework regulation led to significant changes to the Labour Force surveys of various countries: changes to the questionnaire or methodology. To support the states as efficiently as possible, Eurostat organised a large call for proposals for grants at the start of 2018. This call covered numerous actions: measuring the impact of breaks in series caused by IESS, testing certain parts of the questionnaire (odd jobs, work time, etc.), methodological studies (on use of proxies, attrition, sampling, longitudinal weights, etc.), process improvement (automatic coding, etc.). France answered this call for three of the actions. The main one relates to the Pilot implemented as part of the Mélopée project in 2020; the other two relate to questionnaire testing of the “Job skills” and “Pensions and labour market participation” modules.