Use of new data sources in the French HICP

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 14/06/2021

Start date: 01/11/2020 - End date: 31/10/2022

Eurostat regularly suggests methodological work on the CPI (consumer price index), and more specifically on the use of new data (scanner and webscraping data).

As part of this, INSEE is carrying out work on:

  • scanner data, by testing new methods used by its European counterparts (multilateral methods) and by comparing them with methods used by INSEE (fixed basket methods); the use of machine learning methods to classify scanner data in the consumption classification, specifically for French overseas departments, where there is no barcode system;
  • webscraping, by calculating a durable goods index based on webscraped data, developing a new robot in hospitality and calculating an index based on those data.