Insee Focus · October 2024 · n° 334
Insee FocusAnti-pollution expenditures in industry in 2022 One in five establishments that made an expense to reduce its environmental impact benefited from public aid

Tony Vuillemin (Insee)

In 2022, industrial establishments with 20 or more employees spent 2.7 billion euros to reduce the environmental impact of their activity. Investment accounted for the bulk of this expenditure (2.3 billion euros). 25% of this amount was allocated to energy savings and 20% to renewable energy, primarily from biomass and methanization. Anti-pollution studies amounted to 0.4 billion euros.

58% of industrial establishments reported having anti-pollution expenditures. Of these, 20% benefited from public aid. On average, the aid covered 30% of the expenditure.

Insee Focus
No 334
Paru le :Paru le01/10/2024