Informations Rapides · 27 September 2024 · n° 251
Informations rapidesIn Q2 2024, house prices fell by 0.5% House price index - second quarter 2024

In Q2 2024, the house prices of metropolitan France fell again but at a slower pace: -0.5% compared to the previous quarter (provisional seasonally-adjusted data), after -1.4% in Q1 2024. They fell for the sixth quarter in a row. Prices of new dwellings decreased at a slower rate (-0.2% compared to the previous quarter, after -0.4% in Q1 2024) than prices of second-hand dwellings (-0.5%, after -1.6%).

Informations rapides
No 251
Paru le :Paru le27/09/2024

In Q2 fall in house prices eased

In Q2 2024, the house prices of metropolitan France fell again but at a slower pace: -0.5% compared to the previous quarter (provisional seasonally-adjusted data), after -1.4% in Q1 2024. They fell for the sixth quarter in a row. Prices of new dwellings decreased at a slower rate (-0.2% compared to the previous quarter, after -0.4% in Q1 2024) than prices of second-hand dwellings (-0.5%, after -1.6%).

Year-on-year house prices continued to decline sharply

Year on year, house prices went down (-4.6% after -4.8% in Q1 2024). This decline was mainly driven by prices of second-hand dwellings (-5.0% after -5.2%). Prices of new dwellings fell also over a year: -1.3%, as in Q1 2024.

House price index (Base 100: 2015)

House price index (Base 100: 2015)
Weights 2024 (%) Index 2024 Q2 (SA data) (p) Percentage change compared with the previous quarter (p) (SA data) Percentage change compared with the same quarter of the previous year (p)
All dwellings 100.0 126.3 -0.5 -4.6
- new dwellings 9.6 128.5 -0.2 -1.3
- second-hand dwellings 90.4 126.1 -0.5 -5.0
  • (p) provisional data
  • (SA data) seasonally adjusted
  • Scope: metropolitan France.
  • Source: INSEE, SDES, French notaries – ADSN Group, Grand Paris notaries – PNS

New and second-hand dwellings price index in metropolitan France

New and second-hand dwellings price index in metropolitan France
New and second-hand dwellings New dwellings
2024-Q2 126.3 128.5
2024-Q1 126.9 128.7
2023-Q4 128.8 129.2
2023-Q3 131.0 129.8
2023-Q2 132.4 130.2
2023-Q1 133.3 130.4
2022-Q4 133.5 130.1
2022-Q3 133.2 130.4
2022-Q2 131.5 127.8
2022-Q1 129.4 123.9
2021-Q4 127.5 123.8
2021-Q3 125.1 122.1
2021-Q2 123.1 120.2
2021-Q1 121.0 118.8
2020-Q4 119.2 117.1
2020-Q3 116.8 116.6
2020-Q2 116.0 114.5
2020-Q1 114.6 115.1
2019-Q4 112.7 114.1
2019-Q3 111.4 112.8
2019-Q2 110.3 111.9
2019-Q1 109.2 110.3
2018-Q4 108.5 109.4
2018-Q3 107.8 108.3
2018-Q2 106.9 108.0
2018-Q1 106.2 107.4
2017-Q4 105.3 106.9
2017-Q3 104.8 105.9
2017-Q2 103.9 105.4
2017-Q1 103.2 104.7
2016-Q4 101.8 103.1
2016-Q3 101.5 102.8
2016-Q2 100.6 101.1
2016-Q1 100.4 100.4
2015-Q4 100.2 100.3
2015-Q3 100.0 100.4
2015-Q2 99.9 100.0
2015-Q1 100.0 99.2
2014-Q4 100.3 98.8
2014-Q3 101.3 98.5
2014-Q2 101.9 97.7
2014-Q1 102.1 98.4
2013-Q4 102.5 98.6
2013-Q3 102.6 98.6
2013-Q2 103.1 97.7
2013-Q1 103.7 97.8
2012-Q4 104.1 97.5
2012-Q3 104.7 98.1
2012-Q2 105.4 99.1
2012-Q1 105.8 99.4
2011-Q4 106.1 100.0
2011-Q3 106.2 99.8
2011-Q2 105.4 98.8
2011-Q1 103.8 98.0
2010-Q4 102.0 96.5
2010-Q3 100.0 94.8
2010-Q2 98.6 94.0
2010-Q1 97.1 93.1
2009-Q4 95.6 93.0
2009-Q3 94.6 92.2
2009-Q2 94.4 91.6
2009-Q1 96.1 91.3
2008-Q4 98.7 91.1
2008-Q3 101.3 92.0
2008-Q2 102.4 92.8
2008-Q1 102.5 91.8
2007-Q4 102.0 91.3
2007-Q3 100.7 91.5
2007-Q2 99.5 89.8
2007-Q1 98.4 89.2
2006-Q4 97.3 88.1
2006-Q3 95.5 86.6
2006-Q2 93.6 85.4
2006-Q1 91.4 83.6
2005-Q4 88.9 82.3
2005-Q3 86.3 80.1
2005-Q2 83.4 77.8
2005-Q1 80.5 75.7
2004-Q4 77.6 73.1
2004-Q3 74.8 71.3
2004-Q2 72.2 69.5
2004-Q1 69.9 67.8
2003-Q4 67.3 66.2
2003-Q3 65.2 64.9
2003-Q2 63.4 63.4
2003-Q1 61.6 62.2
2002-Q4 60.0 60.8
2002-Q3 58.5 59.6
2002-Q2 57.0 58.8
2002-Q1 55.6 57.7
2001-Q4 54.8 56.8
2001-Q3 53.7 55.1
2001-Q2 52.9 54.6
2001-Q1 51.9 53.9
2000-Q4 50.9 53.6
2000-Q3 50.2 53.2
2000-Q2 49.2 52.4
2000-Q1 48.4 51.8
  • Note: data for the last quarter are provisional.

New and second-hand dwellings price index in metropolitan France

  • Note: data for the last quarter are provisional.
  • Scope: metropolitan France.
  • Source: INSEE, SDES, Notaires de France – Groupe ADSN, Notaires du Grand Paris – PNS.


In metropolitan France, the quarterly variation (seasonally-adjusted) in the index of prices for new and second-hand dwellings in Q1 2024 is unchanged (-1.4% after rounding).

In addition, as every year in Q2, the models used to calculate seasonal adjustments are updated, which may lead to revisions of indicators over several years.

For further information

Next issue: 20 December 2024 at 12:00 pm.

Pour en savoir plus

Next issue: 20 December 2024 at 12:00 pm.
