Insee Première · September 2024 · n° 2016
Insee PremièreSalaries in the state civil service in 2022 The average net salary fell by 2.2% in real terms against a backdrop of high inflation

Jean-Luc Ntamakuliro Inema (Insee), Gwendoline Volat (DGAFP)

In 2022, a state civil service employee earned on average 2,743 euros net per month in full-time equivalent (FTE) terms. This average included all state employees in ministries and public institutions, whether on civil servant status or not, but excluding hospital civil service and local civil service employees. In nominal terms (current euros), the average net salary increased by 2.9% relative to 2021. Given the sharp rise in inflation in 2022 (+5.2%, after +1.6% in 2021), the average net salary in real terms fell sharply (-2.2%, after +0.2%).

Among the state civil service employees, the average net salary of civil servants fell by 1.7% in real terms and that of non-civil servants by 2.3%. The fall was slighter for category C civil servants (-0.6%) than for those in categories A (-1.8%) and B (-2.4%), owing primarily to wage measures adopted in favour of low-wage earners.

Women's net wages in FTE terms were, on average, 13.1% lower than men's, a gap that is stable compared to 2021. The gap for a comparable profile was at 3.0% in 2022.

Among employees working all year round in 2021 and 2022 for the same employer and with the same work share, representing almost two-thirds of all employees in the state civil service, the average net salary remained almost stable (-0.1%) in real terms.

Insee Première
No 2016
Paru le :Paru le19/09/2024