Insee Focus · July 2024 · n° 331
Insee FocusPersonal services employees: three very distinct profiles

Grégoire Borey, Virginie Gamblin (Insee)

In 2019, employees working in personal services tended to be older and low-paid. They were often multi-active, and mostly worked part-time. They could be divided into three distinct profiles. A first group comprised 43% of employees, the majority of whom had been working in this sector for several years. They therefore accounted for a high proportion of the sector's paid hours. A second group comprised 9% of employees, for whom this activity was often an additional work to supplement income from a professional activity in another sector. Finally, 48% of employees had a fluctuating activity, up or down, in personal services over the period from 2016 to 2019.

Insee Focus
No 331
Paru le :Paru le18/07/2024