Informations Rapides · 25 July 2024 · n° 178
Informations rapidesIn July 2024, the foreign demand has weakened, according to the business leaders in the manufacturing industry Quarterly business survey (goods-producing industries) - July 2024

In July 2024, business leaders in the manufacturing industry have estimated that the demand over the last three months has been less dynamic than the previous quarter. They also have expected that demand over the next three months, particularly the foreign demand, to slow down. Besides, they have estimated that production bottlenecks have increased this quarter, reaching an unobserved level since April 2023. Finally, business leaders have anticipated a slow down of the wages in the industry.

Informations rapides
No 178
Paru le :Paru le25/07/2024

The seasonal coefficients as well as the parameters of the composite indicators have been updated in July 2024. This has led to revisions in the set of results previously released in this survey. Those revisions are for the most part quite minor and have no impact on the analysis of the business situation.

In July 2024, business leaders in the manufacturing industry have estimated that the demand over the last three months has been less dynamic than the previous quarter. They also have expected that demand over the next three months, particularly the foreign demand, to slow down. Besides, they have estimated that production bottlenecks have increased this quarter, reaching an unobserved level since April 2023. Finally, business leaders have anticipated a slow down of the wages in the industry.

The demand to the industrials has been clearly less dynamic this quarter

In July 2024, the balances of opinion on the past change of the demand, both global and foreign, have sharply retreated. The balance related to the global demand has moved away from its long-period average and the one related to the foreign demand has gone back below its own. Concerning the expected change of the demand, both global and foreign, the balances of opinion have also retreated. Nevertheless, both remain above their average.

In July 2024, production bottlenecks have sharply increased

The share of companies at the limit of their production capacity has clearly increased in July 2024: 38% have deemed that they would not be able to increase their production with their current means if they received more orders, against 29% in the previous quarter. This proportion has moved quite largely from its average, reaching its highest level since April 2023. At the same time, slightly fewer business leaders than three months ago have considered their production capacities sufficient given the expected change in orders over the coming months. The associated balance of opinion has retreated and has moved away from its average. The production capacity utilisation rate has slightly increased: at 81%, it nevertheless remains below its average level.

The balance of opinion on the expected change in investments over the next three months has sharply decreased and has gone back to its January level, well below its average (calculated since October 2021, when this question has been introduced in the survey).

Industrialists’ opinion: demand and production factors

Balance of opinion, in % SA
Industrialists’ opinion: demand and production factors (Balance of opinion, in % SA)
Manufacturing industry Average* Oct. 23 Jan. 24 Apr. 24 Jul. 24
Overall demand
Past change 1 -1 -5 -1 -9
Expected change 2 2 -6 4 3
Foreign demand
Past change 2 6 2 7 -5
Expected change 4 6 -9 12 7
Production factors
Production bottlenecks (in %) 24 30 32 29 38
Assessment of productive capacity 13 9 2 7 5
Production capacity utilisation rate (in %) 83 81 81 80 81
Expected change in investments** 18 21 7 18 7
  • *: Long-term average since 1976, expect for the question on the expected change in investments (since 2021).
  • **: Non seasonally adjusted data, as this series has been only collected since 2021.
  • The results of the latest survey are preliminary.
  • Sources: INSEE – Quarterly business survey in industry

Hiring difficulties have kept on reducing, at the lowest level since July 2021

From April to July 2024, the proportion of business leaders declaring encountering hiring difficulties has fallen from 52% to 48%. This share, which has been falling since October 2022, remains well above its long-term average but has reached its lowest level since July 2021.

General wages expectations have reduced again

In July 2024, business leaders have reported, on average, that their selling prices have decreased by 0.1% over the last three months, a stable evolution since their reports in January 2024. For the next three months, business leaders anticipate an increase in their selling prices (0.2%).

The balance on the general prospects of change in hourly wages in the manufacturing industry has clearly decreased again and has continued to diverge from its long-term average, reaching its lowest point since July 2021.

The cash-flow situation of industrial enterprises has been deemed more deteriorated than in April: the associated balance of opinion has diminished again and has moved away from its average (calculated since October 2021, when this question has been introduced in the survey).

Industrialists’ opinion: employment, selling prices and cash-flow

Balance of opinion, in % SA
Industrialists’ opinion: employment, selling prices and cash-flow (Balance of opinion, in % SA)
Manufacturing industry Average* Oct. 23 Jan. 24 Apr. 24 Jul. 24
Workforce size
Hiring difficulties (in %) 32 57 53 52 48
General wages expectations -38 -42 -39 -47 -55
Selling prices** and cash-flow
Past change in selling prices (in %) 0.2 0.3 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1
Expected change in selling prices (in %) 0.2 -0.3 -0.3 0.3 0.2
Cash-flow problems*** -7 -8 -7 -8 -11
  • *: Long-term average since 1991 except for cash-flow problems (since 2021).
  • **: For the changes in selling-prices, a quantitative question is asked quarterly in the business survey, in addition to the qualitative question asked monthly.
  • ***: Non seasonally adjusted data, as this series has been only collected since 2021.
  • The results of the latest survey are preliminary.
  • Source: INSEE – Quarterly business survey in industry

For further information

Quarterly questions, especially as regards demand and production factors, complete the monthly survey published on 25 July 2024.

A balance of opinion is, in most cases, calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

This survey is part of the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys, partly funded by the European Commission.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of the web page of this publication.

Answers to this survey have been collected from 27 June to 22 July 2024.

Next issue: 24 October 2024 at 8:45 am.

Pour en savoir plus

Quarterly questions, especially as regards demand and production factors, complete the monthly survey published on 25 July 2024.

A balance of opinion is, in most cases, calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

This survey is part of the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys, partly funded by the European Commission.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of the web page of this publication.

Answers to this survey have been collected from 27 June to 22 July 2024.

Next issue: 24 October 2024 at 8:45 am.
