Insee Première · July 2024 · n° 2003
Insee PremièreCivil service employment in 2022 In 2022, civil service employment continued to rise

Yann Aubineau (Insee), Sarah Touzé (DGAFP)

At the end of 2022, 5.7 million employees worked in the civil service, 16,600 more than the previous year (+0.3%). This increase aligned with that of 2021 (+0.4%). Employment was up in the State civil service (+0.6%), while it was virtually stable in the hospital civil service (+0.1%) and the local civil service (+0.0%). The number of public sector employees, not taking into account subsidised contracts, increased more strongly (+0.5%).

The number of civil servants including military personnel, totaling two-thirds of the public workforce, fell by 0.3%, while the number of contract workers increased by 2.6%, in line with the trend of previous years. The proportion of civil servants working in category A drew significantly closer to that working in category C (almost four out of ten).

Entries and exits in the civil service increased compared to 2021. The number of entries rose mainly in the State civil service, while the increase in exits was sharper in the local civil service.

Insee Première
No 2003
Paru le :Paru le22/07/2024