Insee Analyses · July 2024 · n° 95
Insee AnalysesHow does a "waiting day" affect sickness absence in the education sector ?

Mélina Hillion (Insee)

Since January 2018, the first day of ordinary sick leave has no longer been paid in the French civil service, a measure that was already in place from January 2012 to December 2013. In the French public education sector, which accounts for around 16% of civil servants, this measure has led to an average 23% reduction in the frequency of absences and a 5% reduction in the cumulative number of days of ordinary sick leave. This effect is mainly observed for short-term absences (less than seven days), and is not significant for absences of more than three months. Although their absences have decreased more, women and people working in the priority education network are still more likely to be absent when the "waiting day" is applied, which penalises them financially. The available data do not allow us to conclude that possible misuse of sick leave has been reduced, as this measure may encourage sick people to go to work. The impact of the "waiting day" on pupils' academic performance has not been studied.

Insee Analyses
No 95
Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024