Couples – Family – Households in 2021 Arrondissement of Montbard (213)

Detailed figures

Paru le :27/06/2024

FAM T1 - Households by composition

FAM T1 - Households by composition
household type Number of households Household population
2010 % 2015 % 2021 % 2010 2015 2021
Altogether 27 662 100,0 27 940 100,0 27 851 100,0 59 457 58 233 55 834
One-person households (male and female) 9 741 35,2 10 593 37,9 11 286 40,5 9 741 10 593 11 286
 Single Male 4 259 15,4 4 793 17,2 5 205 18,7 4 259 4 793 5 205
 Single Female 5 481 19,8 5 800 20,8 6 081 21,8 5 481 5 800 6 081
Other households without families 527 1,9 597 2,1 339 1,2 1 191 1 313 708
Family households : 17 395 62,9 16 749 59,9 16 226 58,3 48 525 46 327 43 840
 Couple without children 8 785 31,8 8 520 30,5 8 481 30,5 18 026 17 395 17 182
 Couple with children 6 722 24,3 6 173 22,1 5 504 19,8 25 800 23 652 20 892
 Single parent 1 887 6,8 2 056 7,4 2 242 8,0 4 699 5 280 5 767
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM T1bis - The detailed composition of single-family households.

FAM T1bis - The detailed composition of single-family households.
Single-family households Number of households % Household population
Altogether 16 119 100,0 43 285
Couple without children 8 436 52,0 16 972
Couple with children 5 461 33,7 20 634
Couples with only children of the couple 4 593 28,3 17 007
Couples with at least one child of only one member of the couple 868 5,3 3 627
Single-parent family 2 222 13,7 5 679
Single man with child(ren) 702 4,3 1 699
Single woman with child(ren) 1 520 9,4 3 980
  • Sources : Insee, RP2021, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM G1 - Growth estimates of households’ size since 1968

FAM G1 - Growth estimates of households’ size since 1968
1968(*) 1975(*) 1982 1990 1999 2010 2015 2021
Average number of occupants per main residence 3,08 2,89 2,70 2,54 2,36 2,15 2,09 2,01
  • (*) 1967 and 1974 for the overseas departments (DOM)
  • The data proposed is established for the same geographical scope
  • in the geography in force on 01/01/2024.
  • Sources : Insee, RP1967 to 1999 counts RP2010 to RP2021 main holdings

FAM G1 - Growth estimates of households’ size since 1968

  • (*) 1967 and 1974 for the overseas departments (DOM)
  • The data proposed is established for the same geographical scope
  • in the geography in force on 01/01/2024.
  • Sources : Insee, RP1967 to 1999 counts RP2010 to RP2021 main holdings

FAM G2 - Proportion of one-person households aged 15 years or above, by age – population of households

FAM G2 - Proportion of one-person households aged 15 years or above, by age – population of households
2010 2015 2021
15 to 19 years old 1,9 2,3 3,4
20 to 24 years old 17,4 17,2 17,4
25 to 39 years old 12,8 13,4 15,9
40 to 54 years old 14,3 15,2 17,3
55 to 64 years old 19,7 22,0 25,0
65 to 79 years old 27,8 28,7 29,8
80 and above 49,3 51,8 51,3
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM G2 - Proportion of one-person households aged 15 years or above, by age – population of households

  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM G3 - Proportion of couple families aged 15 years or over

FAM G3 - Proportion of couple families aged 15 years or over
2010 2015 2021
15 to 19 years old 2,9 2,6 2,2
20 to 24 years old 33,0 30,3 29,2
25 to 39 years old 70,1 69,0 67,0
40 to 54 years old 72,9 71,6 68,5
55 to 64 years old 72,7 70,3 68,1
65 to 79 years old 64,5 65,4 65,5
80 and above 36,8 38,2 38,9
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM G3 - Proportion of couple families aged 15 years or over

  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM G4 - Marital status of the population aged 15 years or over in 2021

FAM G4 - Marital status of the population aged 15 years or over in 2021
Married 41,6
Civil partnership 4,8
In cohabitation 12,7
Widowed 9,8
Divorced 6,7
Single 24,4
  • Source : Insee, RP2021 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM G4 - Marital status of the population aged 15 years or over in 2021

  • Source : Insee, RP2021 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM T2 - Households by socio-economic classification of the reference person in 2021

FAM T2 - Households by socio-economic classification of the reference person in 2021
Number of households % Household population %
Altogether 27 851 100,0 55 834 100,0
Farmer operators 940 3,4 2 497 4,5
Craftsmen, traders, business leaders 1 393 5,0 3 662 6,6
Managers and higher intellectual professions 1 493 5,4 3 628 6,5
Intermediate professions 3 056 11,0 7 228 12,9
Employees 3 865 13,9 8 647 15,5
Workers 5 130 18,4 12 084 21,6
Retirees 10 601 38,1 15 859 28,4
Other people without professional activity 1 372 4,9 2 228 4,0
  • Sources : Insee, RP2021 additional operation, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM G5 - Households by socio-economic classification of the reference person in 2021

FAM G5 - Households by socio-economic classification of the reference person in 2021
Farmer operators 3,4
Handicrafters, traders, business leaders 5,0
Managers and higher intellectual professions 5,4
Intermediate professions 11,0
Employees 13,9
Workers 18,4
Retirees 38,1
Unemployed persons 4,9
  • Sources : Insee, RP2021 additional operation, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM G5 - Households by socio-economic classification of the reference person in 2021

  • Sources : Insee, RP2021 additional operation, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM T3 - Families composition

FAM T3 - Families composition
2010 % 2015 % 2021 %
Altogether 17 506 100,0 16 863 100,0 16 334 100,0
Couple with children 6 726 38,4 6 198 36,8 5 508 33,7
Single parent 1 948 11,1 2 094 12,4 2 320 14,2
 Male single parent 368 2,1 532 3,2 537 3,3
 Female single parent 1 580 9,0 1 562 9,3 1 784 10,9
Couple without children 8 832 50,5 8 571 50,8 8 505 52,1
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM T3bis - Detailed composition of families composed of couples with child(ren)

FAM T3bis - Detailed composition of families composed of couples with child(ren)
Couple with child(ren) 2021 %
Altogether 5 508 100,0
Traditional family 4 627 84,0
Blended family 881 16,0
  • Sources : Insee, RP2021, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

FAM T4 - Families by number of children

FAM T4 - Families by number of children
2010 % 2015 % 2021 %
Altogether 17 506 100,0 16 863 100,0 16 334 100,0
Without any 9 855 56,3 9 595 56,9 9 570 58,6
1 child 3 362 19,2 3 217 19,1 3 061 18,7
2 children 3 013 17,2 2 850 16,9 2 638 16,1
3 children 998 5,7 921 5,5 810 5,0
4 children or above 278 1,6 281 1,7 255 1,6
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.