Active population, employment and unemployment within the meaning of the census in 2021 Arrondissement of Castellane (042)

Detailed figures

Paru le :27/06/2024

EMP T1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity

EMP T1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity
Economic activity 2010 2015 2021
Altogether 6 760 6 471 6 304
Working age adult in % 71,8 74,5 76,0
 including working age adults with a job in % 64,5 64,4 67,5
 including unemployed workers in % 7,3 10,1 8,6
Economically inactive people in % 28,2 25,5 24,0
 including pupils, students or interns in % 4,8 5,7 6,4
 including retirees in % 13,6 10,8 8,8
 including other economically inactive people in % 9,8 9,0 8,7
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP T2 - Economic activity and employment of the population aged 15 to 64 by sex and by age in 2021

EMP T2 - Economic activity and employment of the population aged 15 to 64 by sex and by age in 2021
Sex and age Population Active people Activity rate in % Working people Employment rate in %
Altogether 6 304 4 793 76,0 4 252 67,5
 15 to 24 years old 817 365 44,7 297 36,4
 25 to 54 years old 3 579 3 278 91,6 2 937 82,1
 55 to 64 years old 1 908 1 150 60,2 1 018 53,3
Male 3 221 2 487 77,2 2 222 69,0
 15 to 24 years old 478 219 45,9 177 37,0
 25 to 54 years old 1 804 1 685 93,4 1 520 84,3
 55 to 64 years old 939 583 62,0 525 55,9
Female 3 083 2 306 74,8 2 030 65,8
 15 to 24 years old 340 146 42,9 121 35,5
 25 to 54 years old 1 774 1 593 89,8 1 417 79,9
 55 to 64 years old 969 567 58,5 492 50,8
  • Source : Insee, RP2021 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP G1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity category in 2021

EMP G1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity category in 2021
Population (%)
Working age adults who have a job 67,5
Unemployed workers 8,6
Retirees 8,8
Pupils, students or interns 6,4
Other economically inactive people 8,7
  • Source : Insee, RP2021 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP G1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity category in 2021

  • Source : Insee, RP2021 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP T3 - Population aged 15 to 64 by socio-economic classification

EMP T3 - Population aged 15 to 64 by socio-economic classification
Socio-economic classification 2010 including working people 2015 including working people 2021 including working people
Altogether 4 815 4 301 4 659 4 083 4 822 4 258
 Farmer operators 211 207 324 324 236 232
 Handicrafters, traders and business leaders 754 746 594 570 698 682
 Managers and higher intellectual professions 316 304 297 277 503 443
 Intermediate professions 927 843 998 868 929 827
 Employees 1 519 1 272 1 405 1 178 1 487 1 303
 Workers 1 064 929 1 027 866 937 771
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP T4 - Unemployment of the 15-64 aged population

EMP T4 - Unemployment of the 15-64 aged population
Number of unemployed workers and unemployment rate 2010 2015 2021
Number of unemployed workers 496 653 540
Unemployment rate in % 10,2 13,5 11,3
Unemployment of the 15-24 aged 19,7 25,9 18,6
Unemployment of the 25-54 aged 9,1 12,7 10,4
Unemployment of the 55-64 aged 9,7 11,4 11,5
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP G2 - Unemployment rate of the 15-64 aged population by level of graduation

EMP G2 - Unemployment rate of the 15-64 aged population by level of graduation
Taux de chômage en %
No diploma or primary education certificate 17,8
BEPC brevet des collèges or DNB 14,8
CAP, BEP or equivalent 11,1
Baccalauréat, brevet professionnel or equivalent 11,6
2 years at university 8,4
3 to 4 years at university 7,3
5 years or more at university 10,6
  • Source : Insee, RP2021 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP G2 - Unemployment rate of the 15-64 aged population by level of graduation

  • Source : Insee, RP2021 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP T5 - Employment and activity

EMP T5 - Employment and activity
Employment activity 2010 2015 2021
Number of jobs in the area 3 925 3 865 3 965
Working age adult living in the area 4 444 4 266 4 441
Occupational concentration by industry 88,3 90,6 89,3
employment rate of 15 years old or above in % 52,6 51,2 50,3
  • The employment concentration indicator is equal to the number of jobs in the zone per 100 active persons with a job residing in the zone.
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, main holdings, place of residence and place of work, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP T6 - Employment by working status

EMP T6 - Employment by working status
Working status 2010 % 2015 % 2021 %
Altogether 3 925 100,0 3 865 100,0 3 965 100,0
Employee 2 653 67,6 2 626 67,9 2 668 67,3
 including women 1 287 32,8 1 309 33,9 1 363 34,4
 including partial time jobs 662 16,9 645 16,7 535 13,5
Non-employee 1 272 32,4 1 239 32,1 1 297 32,7
 including women 454 11,6 433 11,2 476 12,0
 including partial time jobs 189 4,8 212 5,5 170 4,3
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, main workplaces, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP T7 - Employment by socio-economic activity in 2021

EMP T7 - Employment by socio-economic activity in 2021
Socio-economic activity Number %
Altogether 4 069 100,0
Farmer operators 265 6,5
Handicrafters, traders, business leaders 678 16,7
Managers and higher intellectual professions 363 8,9
Intermediate professions 754 18,5
Employees 1 263 31,0
Workers 747 18,4
  • Source : Insee, RP2021 additional operation at the workplace, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP G3 - Employment by socio-economic activity

EMP G3 - Employment by socio-economic activity
2010 2015 2021
Farmer operators 5,5 8,9 6,5
Handicrafters, traders, business leaders 18,7 14,7 16,7
Managers and higher intellectual professions 7,2 6,9 8,9
Intermediate professions 17,8 18,8 18,5
Employees 28,0 29,1 31,0
Workers 22,7 21,7 18,4
  • Sources: Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, additional work place of work, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP G3 - Employment by socio-economic activity

  • Sources: Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, additional work place of work, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP T8 - Employment by economic sectors

EMP T8 - Employment by economic sectors
Economic sector 2010 2015 2021
Number % Number % Number % including women in % including employees %
Altogether 3 936 100,0 3 758 100,0 4 069 100,0 45,9 72,0
Agriculture 260 6,6 389 10,4 325 8,0 36,4 18,3
Industry 348 8,8 347 9,2 329 8,1 51,0 77,7
Construction 503 12,8 339 9,0 413 10,1 15,3 58,3
Wholesale and retail trade/transports/accommodations and food service activities 1 697 43,1 1 431 38,1 1 625 39,9 43,7 66,6
Public administration/education/human health/social work 1 129 28,7 1 251 33,3 1 378 33,9 58,8 93,8
  • Sources : Insee, RP2010, RP2015 and RP2021, additional work place of work, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP G4 - Feminisation rate of employment by status and economic sectors in 2021

EMP G4 - Feminisation rate of employment by status and economic sectors in 2021
Employees Non-employees
Agriculture 13,7 41,4
Industry 56,0 33,7
Construction 24,5 2,5
Wholesale and retail trade, transports, accommodations and food service activities 44,4 42,3
Public administration, education, human health, social work 61,0 25,9
  • Source : Insee, RP2021 additional operation at the workplace, geography as of 01/01/2024.

EMP G4 - Feminisation rate of employment by status and economic sectors in 2021

  • Source : Insee, RP2021 additional operation at the workplace, geography as of 01/01/2024.