Insee Première · May 2024 · n° 1996
Insee PremièreHalf of the residents of a priority neighbourhood between 2011 and 2020 did not move out throughout the period

Kilian Bloch, Mathilde Gerardin (Insee)

Over the period 2011-2020, residents of priority neighbourhoods moved more often than residents of other neighbourhoods in the same urban units. However, this mobility is not the rule for everyone in priority neighbourhoods, where a part of the population resides on a long-term basis.

Among the residents who lived in a priority neighbourhood for at least one year between 2011 and 2020, one in ten moved at least once while remaining in these neighbourhoods, and four in ten never moved. These residents are often tenants of social housing and, among them, those who moved had the lowest standards of living over the entire period, although they increased over the period between 2011 and 2020. Three out of ten residents left priority neighbourhoods and one out of ten only lived there for a few years during the period: these people had higher standards of living than other people who lived in priority neighbourhoods. Finally, one in ten residents settled in a priority neighbourhood over the period and was still living there in 2020.

Insee Première
No 1996
Paru le :Paru le22/05/2024