Insee Première · April 2024 · n° 1994
Insee PremièreIn 2022, a larger participation rate in learning activities for employed persons and adults with a higher level of education

Laïla Bentoudja (Insee), Serena Rosa, Hugo Schianchi (Dares)

In 2022, in France, 47% of adults who had completed their education reported having taken at least one training in the previous twelve months, either for professional or personal reasons. Employed persons were more likely to participate in learning activities (57%) than those who declared themselves unemployed (43%) or inactive (21%), mainly due to work-related trainings. The proportion of adults receiving work-related training remained stable compared to 2016 for employed persons; it increased for unemployed and inactive persons, in relation to the implementation of policies designed to promote training for these groups.

Participation in work-related training increased with the level of education; it was higher for managers than for blue‑collar workers, as well as for employees of large private companies and of the public sector. Older people were less likely than younger adults to take part in training, particularly for professional purposes. Residents of overseas departments and priority neighbourhoods of urban policy had also a lower participation rate.

Insee Première
No 1994
Paru le :Paru le24/04/2024